写给以后 - 纸上谈健身 之 NASM CPT 第二章 -
NASM CPT 第二章截图

Chapter 2: The basics of exercise science

Definitions that you need to memorize

The nervous system

The skeletal system

The muscular system

Muscle fiber types

Excitation-contraction coupling

This is the process where the nervous system stimulates a muscle in the body to contract. Another name for it is the sliding filament theory. The steps that are seen in the NASM textbook provide 10 different steps from the initiation until the end of the contraction. Here are five steps so that you can more easily memorize the process.

  1. Ach is released and binds with receptors that starts an action potential down the T Tubula.
  2. This action potential initiates a calcium release (Ca2+).
  3. The calcium then binds with troponin which stops the blocking action of tribal myosin that exposes the active binding site for actin.
  4. The next thing that occurs is contraction by the myosin cross bridges that alternately detach and attach to actin. This brings the filaments closer to the middle of the sarcomere. In order for actin and myosin to detach every quires ATP.
  5. The last step is that Tropomyosin comes back to its location and covers the actin active site. At this point, no more contractions happen.

Muscles as movers

There are 4 primary functions that muscles are categorized into. These are stabilizer, synergist, and agonist.

写给以后 - 纸上谈健身 之 NASM CPT 第二章 -
NASM CPT 第二章截图

纸上谈健身 | 写给以后

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